effluvium mobility screenshots hate obscura shell ligature dissonance

My shell of choice is bash. It is highly customizable and I get along well with the way it does loops and such.

My current bash prompt looks something like this:
mazeone@fester:/home/mazeone/src ->
This is the string in my .bash_profile:
export PS1="\[\e[1;32m\]\u@\h\[\e[0m\]:\[\e[1;34m\]\$(pwd) \[\e[0m\]-> " I like this prompt because it is fairly simple, and provides me with a line that I can usually just paste into an scp line. It also goes nicely with the default dircolors I get from GNU ls.

.bash_profile is the script that bash sources when it starts a login shell. I do all my customizing in this script and source it from my .bashrc if necessary. My .bash_profile isn't all that complex, it mainly just has some weirdness to deal with the various UNIXes I deal with regularly:

# minimal path, so we can find uname

# figure out what UNIX we're running under

# these always come first
# these usually come next, but not always (fucking IRIX)

# stupid echo, different everywhere
# this is where we start customizing stuff for different UNIX varients

if [ "$UNAME" == "Linux" ]; then
   HOSTNAME="$(/bin/hostname -s)"
   ECHO="/bin/echo -en"
   FULLNAME="$(uname -a)"
elif [ "$UNAME" == "IRIX" -o "$UNAME" == "IRIX64" ]; then
   export PATH=$MYPATH:/usr/freeware/bin:$SYSPATH:/usr/bsd:/usr/etc
   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/freeware/lib:/usr/freeware/lib32:/usr/freeware/lib64
   # in case we have gnu utils in /usr/freeware...
   HOSTNAME="$(/usr/bsd/hostname -s)"
   $STTY d26:5:d0cbd:b3b:2580:2580:3:1c:7f:15:4:0:0:1a:11:13:1a:0:12:f:17:16:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
   ECHO="/bin/echo -n"
   # in case GNU uname is installed
   alias uname=/usr/bin/uname
   FULLNAME="$(uname -aR)"
elif [ "$UNAME" == "SunOS" ]; then
   export PATH=$MYPATH:$SYSPATH:/usr/ucb:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/openwin/bin
   FULLNAME="$(uname -a)"
   # oh solaris, i'm so disappointed...
   if [ $TERM="xterm" -o $TERM="xterm-color" ]; then
      export TERM=dtterm

# some useful shell options. check the window size, turn on extended
# globbing, programmable completion and cd spellchecking

shopt -s checkwinsize extglob progcomp cdspell lithist

# some useful shell vars. Ignore some short commands in the history and
# backup files in globs

export HISTIGNORE='ls:cd:&'
export GLOBIGNORE='*~'
export VISUAL=vi

# i fucking suck
alias mroe=more
alias mr=rm
alias vm=mv
alias sl=ls

# i love rename
alias updown="rename y/A-Z/a-z/ *"
alias nospace="rename 's/ /_/g' *"
alias cleanit="rename 's/[\(,\),\?,\*,\/,\\, ]/_/g' *"

# look for GNU ls, and if we've got it use colors
GNULS=$(ls --version 2>&1 | grep -i "free software foundation")
if [ -n "$GNULS" ]; then
   alias ls="ls --color=auto"

# these suck. i would like to do this with 'which; but that's unreliable
if [ -f /usr/bin/less -o -f /usr/local/bin/less -o -f /usr/freeware/bin/less ]; then
   alias more=less
if [ -f /usr/bin/gtar -o -f /usr/local/bin/gtar -o -f /usr/freeware/bin/gtar ]; then
   alias tar=gtar
if [ -f /usr/bin/vim -o -f /usr/local/bin/vim -o -f /usr/freeware/bin/vim ]; then
   alias vi=vim

# some simple completions. The complicated ones really kill slow (ie
# pentium-class) machines

if [ "${BASH_VERSION%.*}" \> "2.04" ]; then
   complete -a unalias
   complete -c command which
   complete -A shopt shopt
   complete -A export printenv
   complete -A directory mkdir rmdir
   complete -A directory -o default cd
   complete -f -d -X '*.gz' gzip
   complete -f -d -X '*.bz2' bzip2
   complete -f -o default -X '!*.gz' gunzip
   complete -f -o default -X '!*.bz2' bunzip2
   # it's all about ljlane!
   complete -W "\`sed 's/[, ].*//' ~/.ssh/known_hosts*\`" ssh
   complete -f -W "\`sed 's/[, ].*/:/' ~/.ssh/known_hosts*\`" scp

# where am I? what time is it?
DATE="$(date +'%A, %B %d %I:%M %p %Y AD')"
# rome_date is a goofy script i wrote that shows me the date and
# time in roman numerals/days/years.

if [ -f "$HOME/bin/rome_date.pl" -a -f "$HOME/lib/Roman.pm" ]; then
echo "$DATE"
if [ -n "$RDATE" ]; then
   echo "$RDATE"

# if the terminal can handle it, look at the purty colors.
# if not, suffer.

if [ $TERM = "xterm-color" -o $TERM = "dtterm" -o $TERM = "linux" ]; then
   export PS1="\[\e[1;32m\]\u@\h\[\e[0m\]:\[\e[1;34m\]\$(pwd)\[\e[0m\]-> "
   export PS1="\u@\h:\$(pwd) -> "

# try and set the xterm title to what machine we're on.
if [ $TERM = "xterm" -o $TERM = "xterm-color" -o $TERM = "dtterm" -o $TERM = "iris-ansi" ]; then
   $ECHO "\033]0;$HOSTNAME\007"
# done. go get a sandwich

One-liners are probably my favorite thing about Unix shells. I always get annoyed when I sit down at a Windows box and realize that I can't do anything useful with it...Below is the basic format of 99% of the one-liners I use:

for i in *\ *; {mv "$i" $(echo $i | sed 's/ /_/g'); }

This script will replace spaces in filenames with underscores for an entire directory. This format can be tweaked like crazy to do everything.

random bashing
arithmatic: for some reason, i always use perl to do simple arithmatic from the commandline, even tho bash can do it just fine. The syntax is:

echo $[ <arithmetical expression> ]

history substitution: richlowe pointed this out to me--I knew that you could use ^foo^bar to replace foo with bar in the previous command. What I didn't know is that you can do this, which is much more convenient to type:
