effluvium mobility screenshots hate obscura shell ligature dissonance

bOINGbOING excellent daily linkage
gizmodo.net neat toys
die puny humans tech and weirdness
Ars Technica hardware, news, and MS whores
kernel traffic news latest kernel traffic, wine traffic etc
something positive the best online comic I've read, by far
fire, cuffs & guts photoblog
Emergency Medicine Photos/References medical photoblog
pixelation pixel art forum
Need To Know weekly brit humor/geek newsletter. friday
FARK sometimes amusing linkage
memepool more amusing linkage
recomendo cool tools and stuff
amazon early adopters new toys from amazon
incoming signals good occasional links
fluffy stuff lots of linkage. lots and lots.
metafilter political type linkage
cryptome.org shitkickers
The Memory Hole 'rescuing knowledge, freeing information'
The Konformist Konspiracy Kids
harpers index a month behind
the story about the baby almost makes me want to be a parent. almost.
truetilldeath.com it's in my eyes
fortean times best magazine ever
pheer.com dc/md/va show list
unixpunx.org UNIX, punks
sexy losers adult japanese style comic (not safe for work)
get your war on mmm, war
www.whowouldbuythat.com weird ebay auctions
illegal-art.org neat site of art/music that suffers from copyright restrictions